Our Code of Conduct, How We Win, provides general guidance to St. Louis Steamers Soccer Club and assists us in carrying out our daily activities in accordance with our Credo that we clearly have communicated to our families over the years. Our Code of Conduct describes acceptable behavior and provides resources should there be a need to speak up or ask questions in the event of a situation that threatens the well being of parents and children.
Integrity matters. It matters to our players, parents and coaches as well as the community. And it matters greatly to me and our ownership group.
We are a soccer club of passionate over achievers, and we always have been. It’s one reason we’ve survived and thrived in an environment that seems to be full of over aggressive parents on the sidelines and stressed out players who end up quitting the game before they reach 13 years old. Look up the numbers, they are staggering.
But another reason is because we are equally passionate about how we do our culture. We act with integrity and in accordance with the human element. We strive to make sound and ethical choices that serve for the good of our players. With that being said, we have to act swift and courageous when situations arise. We do not make our decisions without careful and detailed work and it’s important to realize that safety is first. We are implementing a zero tolerance policy for our club. We cannot tolerate and will enforce strict bans against undesirable behaviors or possessions of illegal items either at our facilities or any facilities that our club participates. Drugs and weapons are not tolerated in this club. If you threaten or if your child threatens a person to do physical harm we will act swiftly and remove the family immediately. We also cannot tolerate sexual orientation abusiveness and realize that people are different and we are all humans. Regardless of religion, sex, color or sexual orientation we are all here together.
Our Zero tolerance policy is effectively the human how-to guide for treating families and players with respect and to know it and live it every day. Our leaders have a special responsibility to lead with integrity and in ways that protect and enhance the reputation of our team and culture. At St. Louis Steamers Soccer Club, integrity is not optional. It’s who we are. Thank you for following our Code, living our values and fulfilling our purpose.
Coaching for St. Louis Steamers Soccer Club is a privilege that carries certain obligations. The following agreement is made between the coaches (you) and the club (St. Louis Steamers Soccer club).
Responsibilities of the coach
Coaches should conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful to the game. No profanity. Attendance to training sessions/3v3 nights/games is expected. IF you are sick/vacation/out of town you need to find a coach to take your place.
If your attendance to games, training’s and 3v3 events is not standard we(St. Louis Steamers Soccer Club) will ask to be refunded the coaching credit
Coaches should be on time, prepared for training, games, events. Coaches should wear Steamers gear to games, training sessions, 3v3 events. Every coach is provided a pre-determined amount of money for gear. You are responsible for additional gear outside the amount provided by the club
Coaches should communicate often with parents and be honest. When communicating with parents do not “reply ALL” to sensitive information. Strive to foster an environment of encouragement, structure and balance to each player. Give back to the game and be a mentor to your players. Never be alone with a player. Use the buddy system and make sure an
adult is with you and a player that is not your child, this is mandatory. Be “Of Service” to your players and parents. Coaches have a strong role in the development of players. Take the responsibility seriously and act accordingly
“Together We Can.”