
| Steamers Schoolers... What, Why, and How?

| About the Program


The purpose of the juggling and moves patch system is to incentivize the players to become skillful, build confidence on the ball, play beautifully, and practice at home on their own. Additionally, the system provides a challenge catered to the level of each individual player and therefore a way for every player to succeed at their own pace.

​For example, the least skilled player in may not ever score a goal. But over the course of the season (and with some extra help), they might be able to perform the first 10 “Schoolers” during games. Now that player will have a tangible record of their growth over the season AND when they are awarded with the “Steamers Schoolers 10 patch” it will be because they actually earned it, and will have the skills to prove it.

​On the other side of the spectrum, the most developed player on the field might score over and over again. After scoring 10 goals in a game, will it really make a player better trying to score the 11th? This player is not being challenged enough. Sure they can score a goal, but can they score after doing a Pull-L and a Scissors? Can they do a Maradona before they shoot? Can they do 25 juggles? Even with the added challenge the best player may still score 10 goals a game, but now they will know 20 useful skill moves and a have a habit of juggling at home.


Players will learn 1-2 moves each week at practice so that by the end of the season all 20 moves have been demonstrated to the players. Players will be shown the moves at practice, but they should learn and master the moves AT HOME. On game days, the coaches will bring their “Tracker” and record when a player is able to successfully do a move in a game. After a player completes the first 10 moves they earn the 10 patch and once they complete ALL 20 moves they earn the 20 patch (first 10 must be completed in order to earn the 20).​

AWARD CEREMONY… Every two weeks at the end of practice we bring the parents and players together to award the patch that the players earned the previous weeks. Typically it can be a little slow for the first patch to be earned, but once the parents/players see a patch being handed out… THE GAME IS ON! We want to recognize players willing to put in the extra effort at home and improve themselves.

Players can earn JUGGLING PATCHES as they are able to meet specific milestones for number of juggles in a row. The juggles must be done in front of a parent or coach in order for the player to receive a patch.

Why we picked Schoolers:

“Schoolers” is an ode to the playground baller and the street soccer veteran! We want our players to play beautifully, have confidence, and love the game… Sometimes, that means you have to SCHOOL someone.​

"School Someone" - slang To show complete dominance over one (in something); to best one thoroughly (in something).

| Learn the moves below

Move list
Steamers Schoolers Sheet1
| How to Earn Your Badge
1. Learn the move
ca1c63_e52397dce3ef4088a731928a86c51ba6_mv2 (1)-min
2. Complete the move in a game... Make sure a coach is watching!
3. Complete the first 10 (or all 20)
4. Earn the Badge!
10&20Schoolers (1)
Schoolers 10
Schoolers 20
Check out the patches